We recently bought a picture missal for our little boy to begin following the mass and while he's still more interested in playing with cars, shouting and climbing over the pews, he does sometimes look at the pictures and he likes to point out the priest. Thinking about what other things we could do to help him participate a little in the mass, I thought that a priest doll could be a really fun tool and I realised that with a little ingenuity I could make one. So I did!
I made a mock up first to figure out the pattern (I made 3 practice heads before I decided on the final shape) he's still kicking around the house lovingly known as Father Priest mark 1. Then it was a case of cutting head and hands from an off white scrap of cotton and body legs and arms from a black wool skirt that had felted in the wash. A white collar and some facial features from felt completed the basic doll.
I had great fun making his vestments. In time I plan to make all the liturgical colours but so far we're just ready for ordinary time. I've made the white alb, green stole from some ribbon and the green chasuble (one fat quarter was the perfect fit 😄) all hand stitched because I love to make extra work for myself and hate lugging the sewing machine around the house. Next on the to do list: purple for Lent.
User feedback so far has ranged from "He's got a cute face" to "I don't want Farva Pwiest" via "he's a bright balloon." So I'm going to say mixed. The baby definitely likes him though - he giggles at him and then tries to eat his head.