Three years ago, the morning after our wedding, I received a text message from my friend Rachel asking for my new brother-in-law's number. In that moment, I was a little nervous, if this worked out, it would be a dream, if not, I could spend every Christmas in the company of the man who broke my best friend's heart. Gradually it emerged from other guests that the two of them had barely spent a moment apart on that wedding day, while we were celebrating getting married, they were falling in love.
It didn't take long for Rachel to assimilate into the family, they were committed right from the start. Everyone who knew them was sure that they'd be married one day. So when in February, Rachel called from their skiing holiday in France, there was no doubt as to what had happened. Atop a mountain, in the snow, Martin had got down on one knee.
She had asked me to be her Matron of Honour long before they were engaged, I had said 'Yes but I'll probably be pregnant'. When she asked again during that (slghtly hysterical) phone call we figured out that I wouldn't be pregnant, but I would have a young baby by then, so I would be breastfeeding.
It turns out it would have been easier if I had been pregnant. Breastfeeding and bridesmaids dresses don't mix!
We searched all over for a dress that looked formal and pretty that would allow me to feed, and we found a grand total of nothing. When the search was exhausted I summed up the courage and offered to make something.
My plan was to make a V neck dress out of stretch fabric that would allow access, then, since I can't stand to be seen in a V neck, create a lacy crop top that could be worn loose over it.
So, I thought, if I'm making my own dress, and we want somethng that matches - I should probably make the other two as well...
Our mood board |
I make no claim to be an expert in dressmaking, I am a competent seamstress at best. However, by keeping it simple and sticking to what I know works, I managed to design and make the three dresses. Each of them was a little different: sleeves here, a different neckline there. Each consisted of a basic stretch dress and a simple lace cover up. By the time I was finishing the dresses I was at the machine with a newborn on my lap - now theres an experience I'll never forget!
Rachel chose bright autumnal colours for us and allowed us each to wear what suited our shape and colouring. As a result, I think we made a stunning group. The whole day was a fairytale, from the flowers to the ceilidh dancing, but the real fairytale for me was that I gained my best friend as a sister (let's drop the -in-law.)
Oh and the dress was perfect for feeding, easy access and a built in cover. Super comfortable too!
Sarah, Hannah and I in our completed dresses |