You might notice some changes to my blog - OK, it's quite obvious, I've changed the name, and the background etc. This is linked with a plan to change the content somewhat. Instead of having two blogs, one for craft and the other for writing, I'm merging them together hence the title: Words and Patterns. I plan to write a lot more besides - book reviews, lifestyle posts, updates on my little boy, photography etc. that wouldn't have fit in well before.
There are a lot of changes going on in my life at the moment. Along with Andrew and Jem I've moved out of St Andrews down to Kenilworth in Warwickshire to stay with family until Andrew finds a job. I am once again a stay-at-home Mum and feeling very lucky to be spending this precious time with my boy. Speaking of the boy, he just turned one, and had three first birthday parties to mark the occasion. I think he might be a little confused, but the main thing is that we all ate a lot of cake!
I've been trying out some new craft ideas, my facebook friends will have seen glimpses already, but I'm planning some posts soon to show what I've been up to. Eventually, I'm hoping to become a work-at-home Mum, and use some of the creative skills I've been developing to start a small business.
Keep on the look out for posts in the near future, I've a lot to tell you about!
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